Thursday, September 23, 2010

David blew bubbles in the tub!

So this morning we needed a bath (David decided to poop on me).  So we got in the bath and I let David swim around, like I usually do.  I let him float on his back for awhile and he wanted more....  I flipped him over on his belly and he is always sticking his tongue out.  Well, all the infant swimming books I read said that you could let them lick the water and eventually they would blow bubbles.  So I started blowing bubbles under David's face and next thing you know he blew some bubbles!  I was so excited :)  He did a great job!  He just LOVES the water so much!  He wasn't happy with mommy holding him in the bath tub, so since I got rinsed off I let most of the water out and let him play in there.  It just amazes me how much he loves to kick his arms and legs in the tub.  He was just giggling up a storm every time he would splash water all over him.  He doesn't even mind when it splashed up and covers his face.  He also loves to chew on his washcloth while he is in the tub.  I take it and sprinkle water over his body.  He is such a happy baby in the water!  He drank a little too much water as he decided to spit a little up after his bath, but that is ok.  He is doing GREAT!  Happy as can be and can't wait for next time!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

David can hold a sippy cup!

I gave D a sippy cup with handles on each side for the first time yesterday and he knew EXACTLY what to do! I can't believe it! He is so big and so smart already :) I wanted to show him so when the time came for him to HAVE to drink out of a cup it wouldn't be as difficult to switch. I pumped some milk just to see if he could drink some and he did a little but the cup we have you REALLY have to suck (got to love the spill proof cups). I know he will get it in a matter of no time!

The next day I gave him this sippy cup (just to see if he could hold one without handles) and he held it!  AND he drank the milk out of it!!!  So proud of him!  Guess we will have to go get some cups now.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Grandma Susan's visit

So Susan got to come out for the first time to see her grandson (of course she ONLY came out to see him and not us)... We picked her up from the airport in Pensacola on September 4, 2010 so we HAD to go to the beach. It was a rough start because the sun was extremely bright and very hot but after just a few minutes the sun hid behind the clouds for us and it cooled down, making it PERFECT for lil David). We stayed for a couple hours. David got to enjoy the beach and water with his dad, mom, and grandma. He LOVED sitting in the water and daddy would let the waves hit him on the chest and bounce him up, oh boy was he eating that up! After spending some time in the water we got out and relaxed.

Grandma got to hang out with little D and she was loving it! She would always come out and join us in the mornings. She would read to David, walk him around, and play with him. They had a great time together!

By the time September 9th came grandma did NOT want to leave :( It was just mom and lil man taking grandma back to the airport. Grandma sat in the back to occupy David for the ride down since he isn't a huge fan of car rides. When we got to the airport it was a very sad time because grandma said she was going to miss her baby :( I told her she could come back anytime :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dave and Emily's anniversary

As you all know we technically got married on May 8th, 2010 and had our ceremony on September 5, 2010. Well Susan was out for a visit and she told us we needed to go out for our anniversary. Sooooo, she got to baby sit for a few hours while Dave and I went to Miyori (a Japanese Steakhouse) and a movie (we saw the new Exorcist movie). It was such a great time being able to spend time with my husband :) We even got to somewhat dress up and look nice! It felt great!

The Japanese steakhouse was great (as always)! The movie was not what I was expecting (since I am obsessed with all the Exorcism movies) but that was ok because it was still time being spent with only my hubby and I LOVED it!

Friday, September 3, 2010

David's four month appointment

So we had David's four month appointment on September 3rd, 2010. It was a little late (but the soonest we could get him in). His head circumference was 16 3/4" at the 45%, his weight was 17.6lbs at the 83%, and his length was 26" at the 75%. He is just growing so fast I can't believe it. He had his shots and he was such a champ at them. He cried just a little bit when he got them but as soon as they were done (I planned on nursing him), I picked him up and he snuggled into my neck and shoulder and he passed out! I didn't even have a chance to nurse him. I am so proud of him :) We got many compliments at our appointment. I was told I looked like a very confident first time mommy :) So great to hear things like that! David was told he looked very healthy! They really didn't even mention giving him food yet! Thank goodness, because we just aren't ready! We aren't planning on starting for awhile. He is doing GREAT on just breastmilk alone!

David isn't quite sitting up yet on his own, although he does sit up supported. He likes to sit on us while we read books, watch tv, while mom and dad eat, and sometimes just because. He rolls over from his back to his belly in seconds (I turn my head after taking his diaper off and he is on his belly pushed up on his arms looking at me). He doesn't really care to go back to his back but no worries there. He is so ready to crawl (probably why he prefers to be on his belly). He is really trying he pushes himself up on his arms and can even get his legs up under him. He scoot himself across the ground a little at a time. Soon (before we are ready of course) he will be crawling. He talks and laughs ALL the time! He thinks so many things we do are funny. He plays hide and seek with us (we put a blanket or a hat over his head). He is a GREAT helper! He sits on mom and dad's bed while mom puts laundry away and every time a piece of clothing is thrown by him he laughs hysterically. He still loves his naked time in the mornings he gets (he is extremely happy during this time). He watches Sprout TV throughout the day and he is actually interested in it. He does so much better now at time by himself. This is nice because I can actually get some cleaning done, laundry done, some reading, and some of D's word cards. He goes running with me in the mornings and he LOVES it! He is more a fan of running than walking though. Sometimes when we walk he gets antsy but when we run he relaxes and falls asleep. He LOVES his bath time! Well he just LOVES water in general :) He loves when we take him swimming. When his Dad walks in and talks D's head turns right towards him and he smiles :) It is the greatest thing! He sits at the table with us while we eat some times in his highchair and plays with his toys. He is such a big boy already! Can't believe how fast my baby is growing!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

David is trying to crawl!

So D is already trying to crawl he is pushing himself everywhere!  We put him down on his back to change his diaper and in a matter of seconds he is flipped over onto his belly pushing himself up.  He gets his little legs up under him and tries to push off with them he just can't quite figure out how to get his belly off the ground.  Soon enough he will figure it out!