Friday, June 18, 2010

D rolled over!

I was taking pictures of D and next thing you know he rolled over!!!  I couldn't believe it, it is sooooo exciting :)  I didn't get it on video but I have him right before he rolled and right after!  So awesome :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

David's two month appointment

Well we went to our 2 month checkup and we weigh 13.1lbs and are 23in long! We have changed so much so fast. He is getting really good at holding his head up, just every once in awhile he gets tired so it just flops. He loves sucking on his arm, hand, fingers, anywhere on Mommy, but he will NOT take a pacifier. He still loves to be held but he will do more things by himself now. Everything is hit or miss but when he is having a good day he enjoys his swing, his bouncer, and his step and play piano. He has gone to the big swimming pool and he enjoys it :) He has rolled over once from front to back and he is getting so close back to front. He is doing better at sleeping on his own but he isn't quite there, we are working on it though! So we were reading thru Daddy's baby book and come to find out they are so much alike in like every single way (so he can't complain about a thing)! Well more updates later. We love and miss everyone :(