Tuesday, August 24, 2010

David's first tooth

While walking in Sam's Club with a friend David was sucking/chewing on my finger as usual and all of a sudden I thought I felt something. At first I thought it was his fingernail pressing into my finger so I was like whatever, but then the more I felt it as he continued to suck and chew the more that made me think, "this is NOT a fingernail". So I looked at Tanya and said I really think this is a tooth, can you look? She looked at his mouth and sure enough there was a teeny tiny little spot where the tooth was coming thru. I told her to feel it (she was all worried about her hands being dirty and I did not care one bit because I was so excited and HAD to know ASAP). Well you could definitely feel it. David's first tooth! So of course we take a pic on the phone camera because that is all we have and then send it off to Daddy! We get home and try to show Daddy and he can't see it or feel it. I try to tell him trust me it was there but of course he is like ahh whatever. Apparently, their teeth can play pookaboo for a little while before they fully come thru, so I am hoping very soon that Daddy can see and feel David's first tooth!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

David went under water!

We went swimming today at the pool and I got up the guts to put him under water!  He did great!  No tears at all, I think he was a little confused but he did it!  I am so proud of him.  Now we have to keep taking him to the pool so he isn't scared next summer.